Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Undergraduate Programme

The four year bachelors degree programme consists of a First Year General Programme followed by three years of specialization:

General Programme




GP 101
English I 3 -
GP 109
Materials Science 3 -
GP 110
Engineering Mechanics 3 -
GP 112
Engineering Measurements 3 -
GP 114
Engineering Drawing 3 -
GP 115
Calculus I 3 -


GP 102
English II 3 -
GP 106
Computing 3 -
GP 111 Elementary Thermodynamics 3 -
GP 113
Fundamentals of Manufacture 3 -
GP 116
Linear Algebra 3 -
GP 118 Basic Electrical and Electronic Engineering 3 -

Course Structure for Specialization in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
(Applicable from E/13 batch onwards)




CE 201 CE201 Mechanics of Materials I (3 credits)

Course Content: Structures and components, Supports and loads, Internal forces and stresses, Displacements and strains. Material behaviour, Hooke?s law and elastic constants, Axially loaded members, Torsion of circular sections, Bending of beams, Bending moment and shear force diagrams, Normal and shear stresses in beams, Deflections in beams, 2-D Stress and strain, Work and strain energy, Buckling of struts.
Mechanics of Materials I 3 -
EE 280 EE280 Introduction to Electrical Engineering I (3 Credits)

Course Content: AC circuits, Electrical machines, Motors and control, IEE wiring regulations and building wiring systems.
Introduction to Electrical Engineering I 3 -
EM 211
Ordinary Differential Equations 2 -
EM 213
Probability and Statistics 2 -
ME 213 ME213 Computer Aided Drafting and Solid Modeling (3 credits)

Course Content: Review of orthographic projections, Advanced drafting techniques, Free hand sketching, Computer aided drafting, Computer aided solid modeling, Engineering graphics.
Computer Aided Drafting and Solid Modeling 3 -
PR 204 PR204 Product Design and Development (3 credits)

Course Content: Motivation or need stage, Design brief, Concept design, Embodiment design, Detail design, Documentation, Development, Ergonomics, Material selection.
Product Design and Development 3 -
ME 221
Mechanics of Machines 3 -


CE 207 CE207 Materials Science I (3 credits)

Course Content: Important binary alloy systems, Elementary deformation theory, Plastic deformation of materials, Dislocation and deformation theory, Casting and solidification of metals, Strengthening mechanisms and treatments, Physical metallurgy of steels, Heat treatment of steels, Corrosion and corrosion prevention, Materials selection.
Material Science I 3 -
EE 281 EE281 Introduction to Electrical Engineering II (3 Credits)

Course Content: Cathode ray oscilloscope, Two terminal semiconductor devices, Bipolar junction transistors, Logic circuits.
Introduction to Electrical Engineering II 3 -
EM 212
Calculus II 2 -
PR 205 PR205 Machining Technology (3 credits)

Course Content: Traditional and non-traditional machining techniques; Metal cutting; Mechanics of machining; Lathe operations and milling operations; Abrasive machining; Tool life, Wear and failure; Machining economics; Introduction to NC technology.
Machining Technology 3 -
ME 222
Design of Machine Elements 3 ME 220 or ME 213
PR 206 PR206 Manufacturing Planning and Control (3 credits)

Course Content: Overview, Strategic planning,Forecasting, Layout design, Tactical Planning, Aggregate planning, Process planning, MPS and MRP, Tactical and operational planning and control, Scheduling, Group project.
Manufacturing Planning and Control 3 EM 211



CE 301 CE301 Mechanics of Materials II (3 credits)

Course Content: Formulation of the general elasto-static problem, Governing equations and general principles, Analysis of stress & strain in 3D, Constitutive relations, Solution of plane stress/strain problems, Torsion of non-circular sections, Work and energy methods, Finite element formulation, Yield criteria.
Mechanics of Materials II 3 CE 201
EE 380 EE380 Electrical Power and Machines (3 Credits)

Course content: Electric power energy, Transformers, Direct current machines, Induction machines,Synchronous machines.
Electrical Power and Machines 3 -
PR 314 PR314 Manufacturing Automation (3 credits)

Course Content: Sensors and actuators, Technology of manufacturing automation, Programmable devices, Manufacturing system integration.
Manufacturing Automation 3 EE 280,EE 281
ME 321
Control Systems 3 EM 216 or EM 211
PR 315 PR315 Manufacturing Systems (3 credits)

Course Content: Integrated manufacturing systems, Advanced topics in planning and control; Shop floor control systems, Introduction to Lean manufacturing systems, Performance evaluation of manufacturing systems.
Manufacturing Systems 3 PR 206
Technical/ General Electives


ME 328
Machine Design 3 ME 222 or ME 209
PR 316 PR316 Forming Processes (3 credits)

Course Content: Revision of materials and their properties for metal forming, Metal forming processes, Bulk forming processes, Sheet metal forming, Powder forming, Casting of metals; Forming and shaping of non-metals.
Forming Processes 3 CE 201,CE 207
PR 317 PR317 Quality and Reliability Engineering (3 credits)

Course Content: Variability, Quality engineering, Metrology, Reliability of machines; Reliability of processes.
Quality and Reliability Engineering 3 -
Technical/ General Electives



PR 404 PR404 CAD/CAM (3 credits)

Course Content: Introduction to CAD/ CAM, Geometry, mathematical representation, Graphical data representation, FEM/ Modeling and analysis, Software.
CAD/CAM 3 PR 204
PR 408 PR408 Industrial Engineering and Decision Sciences (3 credits)

Course Content: Linear, Integer and Mixed Integer Programming, Dynamic programming; Decision theory; Introduction to project management, Queuing theory and modeling, Multi criteria decision making, Introduction to non-conventional optimization techniques.
Industrial Engineering and Decision Sciences 3 -
PR 410 PR410 Manufacturing Engineering Project I (3 credits)

Course Content: Project planning, Literature review, Design and development of solution, Report writing, Presentation of findings, Project demonstration.
Manufacturing Engineering Project I 3 -

Technical/ General Electives


PR 409 PR409 Management Principles and Economics (3 credits)

Course Content: Overview of management thought; Organizational behaviour; Strategic management basics for engineers; Basic human resources management for engineers; Occupational health, Safety, and Professional ethics; Basic Economics for engineers.
Management Principles and Economics 3 -
Technical/ General Electives -
PR 411 PR411 Manufacturing Engineering Project II (3 credits)

Course Content: Project planning, Literature review, Design and development of solution, Report writing, Presentation of findings, Project demonstration.
Manufacturing Engineering Project II
to earn eligibility for Class Honours
3 PR 410

*Industrial Training - Guidelines for DMIE Students

Technical Elective Courses

  • PR303   Machine Tool Engineering (3 credits)
  • PR311   Production Engineering for Mechanical Engineers (3 credits)
  • PR503   Control of Discrete Event Dynamics Systems (3 credits); Prerequisites: EM202, ME306
  • PR506   Manufacturing Processes (3 credits)
  • PR509   Plant Layout & Plant Management (3 credits)
  • PR510   Manufacturing Technology III (3 credits)
  • PR513   Modeling and Control of Mechatronic Systems (3 credits)
  • PR515   Financial and Management Accounting for Engineers (3 credits)
  • PR516   Sustainable Manufacturing (3 credits)
  • PR517   Lean Manufacturing (3 credits)
  • PR518   Performance Evaluation of Manufacturing Systems (3 credits)
  • PR519   Robotics and Autonomous Systems (3 credits)
  • PR521   Additive Manufacturing (3 Credits)