Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Manufacturing Automation and Industrial Robotics Research Cluster (MAIR)

DMIE MAIR Research Cluster aims at introducing state-of-the-art research and development for engineering education and future industry requirements. MAIR research cluster has already developed several teaching and experimental set ups for the undergraduate and postgraduate research and practical sessions which includes Industrial Robotics / CNC Integration / Mobile Robotics/ Mechatronics and Control/ Industrial Communication Platforms/ Modeling and Simulations of Control Applications etc. Furthermore, there are several lined up projects in the area of vision based navigation, AI, Autonomous systems and smart and Factories of future.

Currently the Manufacturing Automation and Robotics area conduct both fundamental and applied research in the areas of machining and additive manufacturing processes, CNC design, computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), manufacturing process monitoring, design and digital control of machines, material handling systems, embedded systems, smart devices, newly introduced machine health monitoring (prediction, detection, diagnosis, and accommodation) through intelligent sensing, mobile robots and tele-robotics, adaptation of IoT and IIoT for monitoring of Industrial Processes, human-robot interaction, use of Mechatronic and intelligent, hierarchical and distributed control to enhancing the manufacturing efficacy, etc. The target of these research activities is to develop and propose innovative technologies through understanding the mechanisms for manufacturing processes and mechatronic systems, hence addressing critical and rapid industrial challenges.


Student team members

Ongoing Research projects

  1. Adaptive Controller for Inverted Pendulum Extended and Design of a Segway Platform.
  2. Design and Development of Autonomous UGV for Material Handling and Monitoring of Industrial Standard Manufacturing Facilities.
  3. Design and development of Autonomous surveillance systems for outdoor environments
  4. Designing and Development of an Adaptive Disturbance Reactive Controller for Autonomous Mobile Robot Targeting to Deploy on Environmental Monitoring In Rough Terrains.
  5. Remote Operation of Industrial Robots and Multi-Robot Arm Applications in Manufacturing Automations.
  6. Design and Development of Adaptive CNC Platform with Embedded AI based Configurable Controller

Completed projects

  1. Development of Robust Observer Based Adaptive Controller for Inverted Pendulum Under Rapid Disturbances.
  2. Design and Development of Disturbance Reactive Observer based Adaptive Controller for Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Platform in Rough Terrains.

Laboratory and Development Facilities

  1. 6-DoF Industrial Robot Platform
  2. Industrial Teaching Rig for Emulating the Real-life Automation Applications CIM
  3. Electronic and Mechanical Workshop Facilities
  4. CNC CAD/CAM Facilities
  5. Mobile Robotics and Simulation Platforms
  6. Microcontrollers with DC and AC Motor Teaching Facilities
  7. PLC and Hydraulics/ Pneumatics Emulator and Teaching Rigs
  8. High-end Computer Lab Facility for Designs and Simulations of Systems

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