Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Curriculum E22 Onward

Table 1: Course structure including the course codes, titles, number of credits, and the relevant pre-requisite courses required for the General Programme and Specialization of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
Year Semester Course Code Course Title Credits Pre-Requisites

Year 1

Common Programme

Semester 1

Engineering Mechanics 3 -
Programming for Engineers I 3 -
Electricity 3 -
English for Communication I 3 -
Ethics and Sustainability 2 -
Calculus I 4 -
Specialization in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
(Applicable from E/22 Batch onwards)

Year 1

Semester 2

Linear Algebra 3 -
Programming for Engineers II 3 -
Elementary Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics 3 -
Material Science 3 -
Engineering Drawing 2 -
Fundamentals of Manufacturing 2 -
Differential Equations 2 -

Short Semester 1

Management for Engineers 3 -

General Electives 6 -

Year 2

Semester 3

MI2010 Manufacturing Processes I (3 credits)

Course Content: Machining Techniques (Subtractive), Thermal Aspects, Tool life and Surface Integrity in Metal Cutting, Machining Operations, Formative Manufacturing Processes – Casting, Formative Manufacturing Processes – Forming, Joining Processes
Manufacturing Processes I 3 MI1010
ME2800 Computer-Aided Drafting and Solid Modeling (3 credits)

Course Content: Introduction, Computer Aided Drafting, Computer Aided Solid Modeling, Mini-Project, Engineering Graphics
Computer-Aided Drafting and Solid Modeling 3 ME1020
CE2080 Mechanics of Materials (3 credits)

Course Content: Introduction & review, Torsion of a circular member, Review of symmetrical bending of prismatic beams, Design of beams for bending, Analysis of composite beams, Deflection of beams, Shear stress in beams of different sections, Bending of beams with unsymmetrical sections, Analysis of stress and strain, Applications of plane stress, Eccentric loading in a short column and buckling of a slender column
Mechanics of Materials 3 CE1010
EE2800 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3 credits)

Course Content: AC circuits, Power in ac circuits, Transformers, DC motors, AC motors, Building wiring systems
Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 -
MI2050 Product Innovation, Design and Development (2 credits)

Course Content: Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Laplace Transform, Boundary Value Problems, Systems of ODEs, First order linear partial differential equations, Second order linear partial differential equations
Product Innovation, Design and Development 3 -
EM2020 Probability and Statistics (2 credits)

Course Content: Concepts of probability, Discrete probability distributions, Continuous probability distributions, Sampling distributions, Estimation and Confidence Intervals, Test of Hypothesis
Probability and Statistics 2 -
ME2020 Mechanics of Machines (3 credits)

Course Content: Dynamics of machine elements, Tribology
Mechanics of Machines 3 -

Semester 4

MI2030 Manufacturing Processes II (3 credits)

Course Content: Subtractive Processes - Non-Conventional, Formative Processes, Additive Processes, Finishing Operations, Economics of Manufacturing Processes, Quality of Manufacturing Processes
Manufacturing Processes II 3 MI2010
MI2020 Actuator Systems for Automation (3 credits)

Course Content: Introduction to Sensors and Transducers, Introduction to Hydraulic Systems and Components, Introduction to Pneumatic Systems and Components, Hydraulic circuits and applications, Pneumatic circuits and applications, Basic design concerns of Hydraulic and Pneumatic circuits
Actuator Systems for Automation 3 -
MI2040 Operations Management I (3 credits)

Course Content: Introduction to Operations Management, Strategic Level Planning, Supply & Demand Planning & Control
Operations Management I 3 MI1020
ME2030 Machine Elements Design (3 credits)

Course Content: Planar Mechanisms, Failure Modes and Evaluation, Design of Machines
Machine Elements Design 3 ME2020 and CE2080
EE2820 Applied Electronics (3 credits)

Course Content: Operational Amplifiers (OPAMP), OPAMP Applications, Active Filters, Data conversion circuits, Oscillators, Circuit modeling and simulation, Logic Circuits
Applied Electronics 3 -
Materials Science II 3 CE1110

Short Semester 2

Technical Electives 3 -

General Electives 5 -

Year 3

Semester 5

MI3040 Operations Management II (3 credits)

Course Content: Introduction to Manufacturing Systems, Supply & Demand Planning and Control, Managing & control of operations, Performance measures, Quantitative models for decision making
Operations Management II 3 MI2040
MI3010 CAD-CAM-CAE (3 credits)

Course Content: Introduction, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Quality Control (CAQC)
MI3020 or CP3030 Industrial Safety & Ergonomics/ Industrial Safety & Health (3 credits)

Course Content: Introduction to Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Theories of Accidents, Chemical Hazards and Precautions, Mechanical Hazards and Safeguarding, Electrical Hazards and Safeguarding, Fire Hazards and Fire safety, Fatigue, Stress, Workload, and Time Pressure, Ergonomics at the workplace, Introduction to Occupational Health, Hazard Control and Prevention, Promoting Safety, Labor Standards, Legislations and Certifications
Industrial Safety & Ergonomics/ Industrial Safety & Health 3 -
Control Systems
3 EM1030
Manufacturing Systems Automation 3 MI2020 EE2820
Design & Analysis of Experiments 3 EM2020

EF4010 Industrial Training* 6 Core

Year 4

Semester 7

MI4010 Capstone Research Project (Continue to Semester-8) (6 credits)

Course Content: Introduction to Research, Research Design, Data Collection, Quantitative Research, Data Analysis, Qualitative Research, Introduction to Research Ethics, Self-studies
Capstone Research Project (Continue to Semester-8) 6 -
MI4020 Engineering Economic Analysis (3 credits)

Course Content: Economic Decision Making, Engineering Costs and Estimation, Interest and Equivalence, Economic Analysis Techniques, Taxation and Inflation, Replacement Analysis, Uncertainty in Economic Analysis
Engineering Economic Analysis 3 -
MI4030 Industrial Engineering & Decision Sciences (3 credits)

Course Content: Introduction to Linear Programming, Transportation, Transshipment and Assignment Problems, Network Models, Integer Programming, Introduction to Multi Criteria Decision Making, Introduction to Nonlinear Programming and Computational Intelligence Techniques
Industrial Engineering & Decision Sciences 3 -
Quality & Reliability Engineering 3

Technical Electives 6

Semester 8

Capstone Research Project (Continue from Semester-7) - -
MI4040 Sustainable Manufacturing (2 credits)

Course Content: Introduction, Environmental Sustainability Indicators, Product Life Cycle Concept, Eco Friendly Strategies, Circular Economy Concept, Green Reporting, Modern Trends in Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainable Manufacturing 2 -
Plant Design & Facility Management
3 -

Technical Electives 9
Calculation of Total Credits for the Specialization Programme
Regular core courses and design projects 109
Research projects 06
Total credits from core courses 115
Industrial Training (non-GPA) 06
Technical electives 18
General electives 11
Total credits from elective courses 29
Total credits to be earned for the specialization in Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering 150

*Industrial Training - Guidelines for DMIE Students

General Elective Courses


General Elective Courses (Select at Least 02 Credits from this Basket)

EF 3010
The Engineer in Society 2 Elective
EF 3020
Social Project 2 Elective
EF 3030
Introduction to Music 2 Elective
EF 3040
Painting and Sculpture 2 Elective
EF 3070
Introduction to Digital Art 3 Elective
EF 3080
Mindfulness for Engineers 2 Elective

General Elective Courses (Select balance Credits from this Basket)

EF 3050
Written English for Communication 1 Elective
EF 3060
Effective Communication in English through Speech 1 Elective
MA 5000
Business Communication 3 Elective
MA 5510
Circular Economy for Engineering 3 Elective
MA 5520
Marketing for Engineers 3 Elective
MA 5600
Economics for Engineers 3 Elective
MA 5610
Corporate Finance and Accounting for Engineers 3 Elective
MA 5620
Business Law and Intellectual Property 3 Elective
MA 5700
Environmental Economics 3 Elective
MA 5710
Project Management 3 Elective
MA 5720
Organizational and Industrial Psychology 3 Elective
MA 5800
Sustainable Technology and Economic Development 3 Elective
MA 5810
Procurement Management 3 Elective
MA 5820
Engineer as an Entrepreneur 3 Elective