Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Research is key to driving innovation. The department conducts research in several key thrust areas, including Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Robotics & Automation, Modeling of Manufacturing Systems, Sustainable Manufacturing, Machining, Product Development, Intelligent Control, etc.

Ongoing Postgraduate Research Projects

"A Self Adaptive Operating Strategy for STEP-NC compliant CNC systems for Energy Efficient Machining"

Name: Mr. Mahanama Dharmawardene (PhD Candidate)


The research is to develop an adaptive, closed loop, STEP-NC complaint Open Architecture Control system for a CNC machine to optimize the cutting conditions. Primary objectives are as follows:
  • Development of sensor based data acquisition system for real time parameter measurement for optimization of CNC machine performance. Implementation of the control strategy using STEP-NC compliant open architecture CNC control platform.
  • Improvement of the controller performance through real time experimentation

Funding Source: University of Peradeniya Research Grant,2016

Total Amount of the Grant: Rs. 1.8 Million

Collaborations with: Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.

Duration of the project: 3 years

Names of the Investigators: Dr. Asanga Ratnaweera

All publications arose from the research project:

  • Current Trends in STEP-NC Complaint CNC systems – A Review, M. Dharmawardhana , D. A. A. C. Ratnaweera, Proceedings of iPURSE 2017
  • Feature based CNC strategy with Enhanced Machining Flexibility, A. H. D. K. Rasangika, G. D. T. Perera, W. D. S. Fernando, M. Dharmawardana, D. A. A. C. Ratnaweera, R. K. E. Witharana , W. M. S. H.Wasala, Proceedings of iPURSE 2017
  • A review of STEP-NC compliant CNC systems and possibilities of closed loop manufacturing, M Dharmawardhana, G Oancea and A. C. Ratnaweera, Proceedings of The 3rd China-Romania Science and Technology Seminar CRSTS, Brasov, Rumania, May 2018.
Research-related overseas/ local visits (details of objectives and activities performed; conferences):
  • Experimental investigations were conducted at Transilvania University of Brasov, to improve the cutting condition database for CNC machining with different work materials. Period 24/02/2018- 27 /05 / 2018

"Improvement of Filament Properties and Inter-Layer Bonding Strength of Poly Lactic Acid/ Wood Fiber Composites in Extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing"

Name: Mrs. W.M.S.B. Kumarasinghe (MPhil candidate)


This research study focuses on the mechanisms of improving interlayer bonding in 3D printing as well as investigating the mechanical interlocking of layers with wood-fiber-based composite filaments. The primary objectives of the research are as follows:

  • Improve the mechanical properties of Additive Manufactured (AM) articles using pre-heating mechanisms and formulation with short fibres.
  • Develop an eco-friendly high-strength filament to be used in FDM-type 3D printers.

Funding Source:University of Peradeniya Research Grant 2019

Total Amount of the Grant: Rs. 450,000.00

Duration:2 years

Names of the Investigators: Dr. W. A. Manamperi (Principal Investigator) ,Dr. P. Gamage (Co-Investigator)

"Development and Characterization of Cassava Starch-Based Thermoplastics for Engineering Applications"

Name: Mrs. N.M.L. Fernando (PhD Candidate)


UOP has already developed and tested economical and biodegradable cassava starch-based cast films that do not use environmentally harmful ingredients as raw material. However, these plastics need to be further improved for superior water resistance and mechanical behavior in order to compete with their petroleum-based counterparts. The primary objectives of this research are as follows:

  • Production of bio-based thermoplastics from native cassava starch using a range of plasticizers and identify the most appropriate plasticizers by conducting mechanical, thermal, water absorption, and biodegradability tests.
  • Formulate with cross linkers and other additives to improve mechanical properties and water resistance of cassava starch based thermoplastics.
  • Formulate with synthetic and bio-based polymers (with a range of compatibilizers) to improve mechanical properties and water resistance of cassava starch based thermoplastics.

Funding Source:The World Bank [under the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation]

Total Amount of the Grant: Rs. 40 Million

Duration: 3 years

Names of the Investigators: Dr. W. A. Manamperi (Principal Investigator),Dr. W. M. J. A. S. B. Manipura (Co-Investigator), Dr. C A Gunathilake (Co-Investigator),Dr. A. K. Kulathunge (Co-Investigator)

"Development and Characterization of Cassava Starch-Based Thermoplastics for Engineering Applications"

Name: Ms.A.P.S.M.Amaraweera (MPhil Candidate)


The primary objectives of this research are as follows:

  • Production and test bio-based plastics using isolated and fractionated (amylose and amylopectin) starch from cassava flour.
  • Testing a range of plasticizers, compatibilizers, cross-linkers, and modification methods to improve mechanical and water resistance behavior of cassava starch-based bioplastics.

Funding Source:The World Bank [under the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation]

Total Amount of the Grant: Rs. 40 Million

Duration: 2 years

Names of the Investigators: Dr. W. A. Manamperi (Principal Investigator), Dr. W. M. J. A. S. B. Manipura (Co-Investigator),Dr. C A Gunathilake (Co-Investigator),Dr. A. K. Kulathunge (Co-Investigator)

"Enhancing the formability property of sheet materials in manufacturing automotive panels."

Name: Mr. M.L.R. Meragalge (MPhil Candidate)


This study is mainly focusing on determining the effect of lubricants at elevated temperatures with different, tool geometries and tool parameters on the formability level of aluminum alloy AA 2xxx sheets to enhance its formability to produce automobile body parts. The primary objectives of the research are as follows:

  • To investigate the effect of sheet metal forming parameters (lubricant, temperature, tool parameters) on formability of forming aluminum AA 2xxx series.
  • Reinforce the experimental findings on friction and formability of aluminum AA 2xxx series with finite element simulation

Funding Source:Indo-Lanka research grant, Grant no: MSTR/TRD/AGR/3/02/16

Total Amount of the Grant: Rs. 3.6 Million

Duration: 2 years

Collaboration with: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Names of the Investigators: Dr. P. Gamage (Principal Investigator),Dr. N.K.B.M.P. Nanayakkara (Co-Investigator)

Time Period: 15th July 2019 – 22nd July 2019

Venue: IIT Guwahati, India

Participants: Prof. P. S. Robi, Deputy- Director, Indian Institute of Technology Prof. R. Ganesh Narayan - Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Dr. P. Gamage - Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya

The joint efforts for winning a competitive research grant under Indo-Lanka inter-governmental Science and Technology Cooperation programme, delegate from University of Peradeniya (Dr. P. Gamage, Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering) visited IIT, Guwahati as a part of a project titled “forming of automotive materials at elevated temperature and selection of lubricants for sustainable manufacturing” during the 3rd week of July 2019. This joint research program has already laid a solid foundation between two institutes for future research collaborations. Therefore, the main purpose of this visit was to discuss the current situation, progress and the potential activities in relation to the Indo-Lanka Joint Research Program between the two institutions

"Enhancing the Performance of Solid Resilience Tires Using Finite Element Analysis"

Name: Mr. W.A.A.S. Premarathna (MPhil Candidate)


This research is primarily focused on the analysis of solid resilience tires. Both Finite Element Method (FEM) and experimental methods will be used in the investigations. Studies will be carried out to investigate the impact of temperature along with tire tread design for solid resilience tires by developing suitable three dimensional (3-D) FE models. The primary objectives of the research are as follows:

  • To develop 3-D finite element (FE) models of selected solid resilience tire samples and
  • Validate finite element results with experimental data.
  • To analyze temperature variation of solid resilience tires by using developed FE model.
  • To optimize the tire tread design to enhance the tire performance through the FEM simulation

Funding Source: Self-funding

Collaborations with: Elastomeric Engineering Company Ltd, Horana.

Duration: 2 years

Names of the Supervisors: Dr. C.D. Senanayake (Principal Investigator),Dr. K.K. Wijesundara (Co-Investigator),Dr. Pramila Gamage (Co-Investigator),Dr. J.A.S.C. Jayasinghe (Co-Investigator),Dr. R.R.M.S.K. Ranatunge (Co-Investigator)

"Enhance Competitiveness of Small and Medium scale local Manufacturing Sector with Sustainable Manufacturing Concepts"

Name: Mr. M.P.R.L. Peiris (MPhil Candidate)


This research study focuses on the ultimate goal on the enhancement of sustainable manufacturing on local manufacturing sector. Therefore, the research aim defines to deplete the main barrier of the lack of completeness by establishing the paradigms by facilitating life cycle assessments, eco-designs and decision support systems. The primary objectives of the research can be stated as below,

  • Evaluate environmental performance of selected industries by Life Cycle Assessment
  • Identify environmental hotspots and develop eco-designs to improve sustainability
  • Develop a cloud based decision support tool to find redesign capabilities

Funding Source: National Research Council

Total Amount of the Grant: Rs. 2.9 Million

Duration: 2 years

"Design and Development of Decision Support System for Eco-Design Based on Life Cycle Management "

Name: Mr. S. Kamalakkannan (MPhil Candidate)


The aim of this research study is to enhance the sustainability of the manufacturing industry through up to date LCM by Design and Developing a DSS combining real-time data acquisition (with the help of IoT technology) and parametric modeling for LCA in order to facilitate eco-design and eco-innovation. The primary objectives of the research are as follows:

  • Develop real-time data acquisition system using IoT technologies to facilitate LCM
  • Design and Develop a DSS which can handle parametric modelling of LCA and eco-design/eco-innovation

Funding Source: Self-funded

Duration: 2 years

Names of the Investigators: Dr. A.K. Kulatunga (Principal Investigator)

"Design and Development of a Decision Support System to evaluate the different segments of a Supply Chain using Sustainable Manufacturing concepts"

Name: Mr. S. Kamalakkannan (MPhil Candidate)


This study aims to develop a tool which can be used to identify the sustainable issues in an established manufacturing industry and to provide guidance as a decision support system for sustainable manufacturing. The objective of the proposed study can be given as follows.

  • Design and development of a model to evaluate the sustainability of supply chain based on a triple bottom line by considering both quantitative and qualitative factors.
  • Use multi-criteria decision-making and computational intelligence to develop the model to generate a plant sustainability index.
  • Develop a decision support system.