Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Life Cycle Engineering and Management (LCEM)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been the academic and research focus of the Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (DMIE), which aims to improve the world by meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. This is achieved through teaching students at the undergraduate and graduate levels about the Triple Bottom-line of Sustainability (Economic, Social, and Environmental) and fundamental ideas of Sustainable Manufacturing, which are linked to SDGs 12, 8, and 9. In order to promote responsible consumption and production, DMIE has already established a Research Cluster on Life Cycle Engineering and Management (LCEM) under the major umbrella of SDG 12. This is achieved by looking at sustainability at the level of products, processes, and systems, through life cycle engineering and management principles. This research team has currently produced a number of research findings in the area of Design and Development of Decision Support Systems to Evaluate Sustainability at Product, process and system Level and to Advocate Product and Process Design Stages to Enhance Sustainability Using Eco Design and Eco Innovation Concepts. Some of the current research aims to expand this to the systems level to include complete supply chains and to promote the circular economic aspects of the modern supply chain network through extending products for multiple lifecycles. As a research collaboration, LCEM work in partnership with UNEP SATEC Life Cycle Initiative, RMIT Australia, IGES-Japan, MPI-New Zealand, VIT-India.


Life Cycle Engineering and Management

Ongoing Research Degrees

Completed Research Degrees

Ongoing Research projects

Completed projects

Research and Project outcomes

1. Field Work

2. Workshop

CNC Machining Centers Injection Moulding machine
CNC Machining Centers Injection Moulding machine

3. Symposium/ Exhibitions