Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Plant Layout and Plant Management - PR509

Credits 3
Pre-requisites - None
Core/Elective - Technical Elective
To provide students with the knowledge, techniques and tools relevant to plant layout design and managementso that they will be able to locate a plant, design the plant layout and manage the facility systems of a manufacturing plant.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
  1. Analyze the different strategies involved in plant location.
  2. Collect/extract data and information required for plant layout design.
  3. Apply mathematical tools and techniques to design and develop plant layouts and material handling systems.
  4. Identify key facility systems available in manufacturing plants and how to manage them effectively.
Course content/Course description
  1. Introduction: Impact of Management plant location and layout on Supply management
  2. Plant Location Decisions: Factors affecting facility location, Techniques to evaluate different facility locations
  3. Information Collection for Layout Design: Relationship of product, process schedule designs on layout design, Space analysis, Flow Analysis, Activity relationships
  4. Layout Design: Basic layout configurations, Layout design and evaluations techniques, Integration of material handling with layout design
  5. Material Handling System Design: 8 R’s of material handling, 10 principles of material handling, Different material handling designs, Types of material handling equipment
  6. Facility Systems: Structural and enclosure systems, Atmospheric systems, Electrical and lighting systems, Life safety systems, Sanitation systems, Building automation systems, Facility management systems
  7. Machining Economics: Economic cutting speeds for Lathe, Milling, Grinding operations
  8. Industrial Case Study

Assessment Percentage marks
Continuous Assessments 50 -
Tutorials and assignments - 20
Laboratory works - 10
Mid semester examination - 20
End of Semester Evaluation 50 -
End of semester examination - 50

Time allocation Hours
Lectures 35
Tutorials 05
Practical 00
Assignment 10