Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Lean Manufacturing - PR517

Credits 3
Pre-requisites - None
Core/Elective - Technical Elective Course
To introduce the main Lean Manufacturing concepts and to cultivate lean thinking in the mindset of manufacturing engineers in order for them to use these concepts in their day to day decision making.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
  1. Explain the significance of Lean concepts for manufacturing.
  2. Use Lean techniques for improving the performance of manufacturing industries.
  3. Identify the challenges and future directions of Lean Manufacturing.
Course content/Course description
  1. Introduction to Lean Manufacturing: History of Lean manufacturing, Evolution of Lean manufacturing concept, House of Lean manufacturing, Building blocks of Toyota Production System Seven types of wastes, Difference between traditional and lean firm Value, Stream Mapping
  2. Foundations of Lean Thinking: Toyota-way philosophy, Visual management, Stable and standardized processes, Level production
  3. Lean Manufacturing Techniques: Production smoothing concepts Just in Time Production (JIT), Kanban systems Single piece flow concept, Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) Process visualization
  4. Quality Conscious Manufacturing: In-station quality Autonomous defect control, Total Quality Management (TQM) concept, Continuous process improvement, Lean 6 Sigma concept
  5. Total Productive Maintenance: Basic steps of TPM Pillars of TPM, Different indices of TPM
  6. Human Factor in Lean Manufacturing: Lean leadership Sustainability, Cultural and sociological aspects of Lean implementation
  7. Extensions of Lean Manufacturing and Future Challenges: Agile manufacturing Smart manufacturing

Assessment Percentage marks
Continuous Assessments 50 -
Tutorials and assignments - 20
Laboratory works - 10
Mid semester examination - 20
End of Semester Evaluation 50 -
End of semester examination - 50

Time allocation Hours
Lectures 35
Tutorials 05
Practical 03
Assignment 07