Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Additive Manufacturing - PR521

Credits 3
Pre-requisites - None
Core/Elective - Technical Elective Course
To improve the knowledge and skills of students in Additive Manufacturing technology and related topics so that they will be able to select appropriate technologies and materials and adopt proper design methods for creating models and manufacturing components using additive manufacturing.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
  1. Explain the main Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes/ methods used in industry and research.
  2. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the broad range of AM processes, devices, capabilities and materials that are available.
  3. Identify and select most appropriate AM process/ material to manufacture a given product.
  4. Design objects by using Design for AM principles.
  5. Manufacture physical objects that satisfy product development/prototyping requirements, using advanced/additive manufacturing devices and processes.
Course content/Course description
  1. Introduction: 04 Milestones in Additive Manufacturing (AM), development Basic principles of AM, Benefits of AM, Classification of AM Processes, Applications of AM (Aerospace, Manufacturing, etc.)
  2. Generalized Additive Manufacturing Process Chain: The eight steps in additive manufacture
  3. Additive Manufacturing Technology: Photopolymerization processes, Powder bed fusion processes, Extrusion-based systems, Material/Binder Jetting, Sheet lamination processes, Beam deposition processes, Direct write technologies
  4. Design for AM: Unique capabilities, Design tools, Exploring design freedoms, Guidelines for process selection Selection of materials and processes
  5. Software Issues in AM: STL file format and preparation File manipulation Handling multiple colors and materials
  6. Other Related Technologies: Mould-making, Casting 3D scanning Reverse engineering Rapid tooling
  7. Trends and Future Directions

Assessment Percentage marks
Continuous Assessments 40 -
Assignments - 20
Laboratory works - 20
Mid semester examination - 20
End of Semester Evaluation 60 -
End of semester examination - 60

Time allocation Hours
Lectures 33
Tutorials 00
Practical 15
Assignment 09