Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Sustainable Manufacturing - PR516

Credits 3
Pre-requisites - None
Core/Elective - Technical Elective
To introduce students to the concept of sustainability in product design, development, and manufacturing processes and to cultivate sustainability in the mindset of manufacturing engineers in order for them to use these concepts in their day to day decision making.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
  1. Explain the significance of sustainability in the modern world.
  2. Describe the challenges to sustainable manufacturing.
  3. Develop measurements for assessing sustainability in manufacturing.
  4. Adapt the eco-design concept in product design and development.
  5. Use green reporting scheme to present greening initiatives of manufacturing firms.
Course content/Course description
  1. Introduction: Introduction to Sustainable Manufacturing The concept of sustainability and sustainable development Background to sustainable product design and processes, Challenges to sustainable manufacturing Waste-free processes New material processes Enterprise modelling and simulation Improved design methodologies Education and training, Significance of sustainable product design and manufacture
  2. Sustainability as a Science: Need for sustainability science, Applications to product design and manufacture
  3. Product Design for Sustainability: Measurements of product sustainability, The impact of multi-life cycles and perpetual life products, Product sustainability assessment, Product sustainability index Environmental and societal impact Functionality, resource utilization, Manufacturability, re-manufacturability and recyclability
  4. Processes and Measures for Sustainability: Processes for sustainability, Selection of sustainability measures for manufacturing, Energy consumption, manufacturing cost, Environmental impact, waste management Operational safety, personnel health
  5. Future directions of Sustainable Manufacturing
  6. Case Study

Assessment Percentage marks
Continuous Assessments 50 -
Assignments - 20
Laboratory works - 10
Mid semester examination - 20
End of Semester Evaluation 50 -
End of semester examination - 50

Time allocation Hours
Lectures 38
Tutorials 00
Practical 06
Assignment 08