At the end of this course, students should be able to:
Write a design brief for a given product initiative.
Prepare the design specifications by using Quality Function Deployment which ensures that customers’ requirements are met and takes into account the products of competitors.
Create concept designs and select the optimum design by using standard evaluation techniques.
Select the material, processes and calculate necessary forces, critical areas, sizes, stresses and analyze the design for the above design specifications.
Generate the detailed drawings for a given product.
Introduction: Why we need product designs, Who designs and develops products, Challenges of product development Standards, Generic product development process, Steps of product design
Motivation or Need Stage and Design Brief: Identifying customer needs, design brief, design specifications Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Concept Design: Brainstorming, Synaptic, Objective trees, Morphological charts, Weighted objective method
Embodiment Design: Product architecture, parametric design, analysis, optimization Aesthetics Process selection
Detail Design, Documentation, and Development: Important features in part drawings, assembly drawings, and layout drawings, prototyping techniques and methodologies
Ergonomics: Posture, anthropometrics, Working environment
Material Selection: Mechanical behaviours, failures Performance indices, Ashby charts