Image  Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering
 University of Peradeniya

Manufacturing Engineering Project II - PR411

Credits 3
Pre-requisites - PR 410
Core/Elective - Core Course
To provide students the opportunity to carry out a project that is directly related to manufacturing engineering so that they can effectively formulate, plan, and solve real industrial problems.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
  1. Formulate a manufacturing engineering related problem that is relevant to the industry.
  2. Research relevant engineering literature for a given problem and critically analyze them.
  3. Set up experiments, develop analytical methods, models or prototypes, and/or use engineering software to test a given hypothesis/design.
  4. Plan and execute the said manufacturing engineering project in an organized manner.
  5. Effectively collaborate with team members and/or industrial partners to meet specific deadlines.
  6. Effectively communicate the details and outcomes of the project to a diverse audience through report writing and by making technical presentations.
Course content/Course description
  1. Project planning, literature review, design and development of solution, report writing, presentation of findings, project demonstration

Assessment Percentage marks
Continuous Assessments 50 -
Weekly progress evaluated by Supervisor - 15
Interim Report/Proposal - 15
Mid-Semester Presentation/Viva - 20
End of Semester Evaluation 50 -
Final Report - -
Final Presentation/Viva - 50

Time allocation Hours
Lectures 05
Tutorials 00
Practical 00
Assignment 80