(A collaborative project with the Dalian University of Technology, China)
Two MPhil studentships are available at the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Project title: Precise Identification, Deep Removal Strategies and Environmental Safety Evaluation of Refractory Organic Pollutants in Industrial Wastewaters
Duration: Two years, Fulltime
Two NSF-NSFC (China/ Sri Lanka) grants have been received by
research teams of DCE led by Prof. KGN Nanayakkara and Prof CS Bandara, for 3 years. Congratulations
The Department of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya
is looking for a Management Assistant (contract basis) for the Postgraduate Programmes in Civil Engineering.
Applications are called for the post of Temporary Instructor in the Department
of Civil Engineering.
Please fill-in the Application form
and upload the Curriculum Vitae, Grade Report and a photocopy of the National Identity Card on or before Friday, 30th August 2024.
A farewell event was held on 23rd January 2024 (Tuesday) from 4.30 to 6.30 pm at the EOE Pereira Theatre of Faculty of Engineering to bid farewell to two eminent academic staff members of the Department of Civil Engineering, Prof. S.B.S. Abayakoon and Prof. K.D.W. Nandalal, for their long and dedicated service to the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya. This event was graced by Mrs. Abayakoon, Dr (Mrs). Nandalal, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Heads of the Departments of the Faculty of Engineering, Academic Staff members of the Faculty of Engineering, Retired academic staff members of the Department of Civil Engineering, Senior Assistant Registrar/Engineering, Senior Assistant Bursar/Engineering, Senior Assistant Librarian/Engineering, and the non-academic staff members of the Department of Civil Engineering. First, the welcome address was delivered by Dr. M.C.M. Nasvi/Coordinator of the event. Then the addresses by the Head/Department of Civil Engineering and Dean/Faculty of Engineering highlighted the dedicated services of Prof. Abayakoon and Prof. Nandalal to the Department, Faculty and to the Engineering community at large. Subsequently, presentations were made by Dr. L.C. Kurukulasuriya and Prof. K.G.N. Nanayakkara highlighting the career highlights of Prof. Abayakoon and Prof. Nandalal respectively. Two senior academic staff members, Dr. K.R.B. Herath and Prof. S.B. Weerakoon, delivered speeches about Prof. Abayakoon and Prof. Nandalal respectively highlighting their personal and professional life achievements. Finally, Prof. Abayakoon and Prof. Nandalal addressed the gathering, and they thanked the Department and the Faculty for organizing this farewell event.
Applications are called for the post of Temporary Instructor in the Department of Civil Engineering.
Please fill-in the Application form
and upload the Curriculum Vitae, Grade Report and a photocopy of the National Identity Card on or
before Friday, 16th February 2024.
Final year Civil Engineering students (E 18 Batch) had a field excursion to some of the hydraulic structures along Mahaweli river, namely, Randenigala Dam, Rantambe Dam, Minipe Anicut and Aqueduct) on Sunday 3rd December 2023. Engineers of Mahaweli Authority, Eng. Ruwan Bandaranayake and Eng (Ms) Hanshinie Weerakoon at Randenigala, Rantambe Dams and Eng. Rajarathna at Minipe were very helpful and explained the operation and maintenance processes to the students very clearly. Students were able to get their queries clarified enthusiastically. Also, they had a very rare chance of watching spilling of Rantambe Dam. The field excursion was coordinated by Dr (Mrs) Prabha Weerakoon and several staff members also joined the visit.
Civil Engineering Undergraduate Research Symposium (CEURS) - 2023 was held on 21st November 2023 with the participation of the industry. The symposium enabled final-year E17 undergraduates to share and disseminate their research findings with the aid of a poster presentation together with an extended abstract of the research. Proceedings of the symposium are to be published; further details at: https://eng.pdn.ac.lk/civil/research/ceurs2023.php
The Department of Civil Engineering welcomed the E20 students on the 6th November 2023 at a formal event held in the EOE Pereira Theatre followed by a social event on the 15th November in Design Office-II organized by the Civil Engineering Society.
Congratulations to Prof. PBR Dissanayke on his election as President of Institution of Engineers,Sri Lanka for the session 2023/24.
The paper titled “Advances in ground improvement using waste materials for transportation infrastructure” authored by Indraratna, B., Qi, Y., Tawk, M., Heitor, A., Rujikiatkamjorn, C., & Navaratnarajah, S. K. won the ‘Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya’ award for best two overseas papers by Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), UK. The award was presented at ICE Awards Ceremony in London on 13th October 2023.
Many congratulations to Mr. D.R.T. Niwunhella (E/16/260) of the Department of
Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya for winning the award and certificate under the Civil Engineering category of “The Migara Rathnatunga Trust Awards for Industrial
Training for University Undergraduates – 2021 / 2022” from among all engineering faculties in the country.
The award & certificate was presented at the IESL lnduction and Graduation Ceremony on Thursday, August 31st, 2023 at the Main Hall of the BMICH, Colombo.
We also congratulate Mr. R.A.Langappuli (E/16/206) for receiving merit certificate in the Civil Engineering category.
Ms. Nawanjana Maheepala, Ph.D. candidate of the RMIT - University of Peradeniya joint
PhD programme, supervised by Dr. M.C.M. Nasvi and Dr. L.C.Kurukulsuriya , has won the "ICE VLA Emerging Engineer Award - 1st Place" in recognition of the outstanding Victorian
Engineering student presented by the Institute of Civil Engineers, Victorian Local Association (ICE VLA).
Brief Description:
Applying advance water treatment technologies such as reverse osmosis (RO) and nano-filtration (NF) has
become a very popular and a feasible strategy to overcome challenges in producing potable and clean
industrial treated water. These high-pressure membrane technologies (desalination processes) are primarily
used for softening and the reduction of TDS in water treatment. They are also capable of efficient removal of a
broad array of micro level contaminants in raw water and secondary treated wastewater. In the recent past, a
significant number of RO and NF water treatment facilities were installed in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. To
operate RO and NF water treatment facilities sustainably, brine or concentrate management is considered as a
critical process. The discharge of brine consisting of a complex array of minerals/salts from desalination
processes poses a significant threat to the environment. Further, brine solutions produced from these systems
are considered as a valuable source of resources which could attract a significant revenue to make these
processes sustainable. In recent past, a several research groups across the world studied the potential of
recovering the valuable salts/minerals from brine/concentrates from these high-pressure membrane plants.
However, the suitable resource recovery technologies could be different depending on many factors such as
the mineral/salt composition, production rate (quantity), location/region of the plant, etc. Therefore, this study
focuses on the following:
1. Conduct a thorough literature review to gain the background knowledge on this research area and
understand the possible technologies that could be applied in developing countries.
2. Carry out a comprehensive field survey to understand the status and the operating practices of RO and NF
treatment facilities installed in Sri Lanka.
3. Design and operate a suitable cost-effective lab/pilot scale brine management process (Membrane
Distillation) to investigate its sustainable operation.
4. Perform a life cycle (feasibility) analysis to find the applicability of the selected brine management
technology for operating RO and NF treatment facilities installed in Sri Lanka sustainably.
Brief Description:
Adopting supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to reduce clinker usage in cement has been the
most successful strategy to control greenhouse gas emission in building and construction sector to date. In
recent years, the emergence of calcined clay and integration with other SCMs have further enhanced
construction sustainability, due to the general availability of clay and high potential cement substitution rate.
In particular, flash calcined clay, manufactured by flash calcination for only a few tenths of a second, can
diminish up to 80% of energy required for Portland cement production. However, as a newer construction
material in the market with strong implications on sustainability, understanding the long-term durability
performance of calcined clay concrete manufactured using locally sourced clay is essential, yet an effective
and systematic method is extremely lacking. Herein, focusing on marine exposure condition where
combined deterioration mechanism may occur, the goal of this project is to develop a robust computational
framework for assessing the aging resistance of calcined clay concrete, so as to promote optimal design
using local source materials. In specific, four main objectives are: Mineralogical analyses on calcined clay
concrete pre-mixed with chloride and sulfate salts; Physics-based reactive transportation analyses on
calcined clay concrete under standalone deterioration mechanisms of progressive chloride ingress and
sulphate attack; Durability assessment on calcined clay concrete under combined chloride-sulphate attack;
and investigation on the influence of clay and blend compositions on the durability performance of calcined
clay concrete against marine exposure.
Prof. Nimal Seneviratne Awards for best final year research projects in 2022
(E16) were presented at the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Event of the Civil Engineering Society (CES) held on 17th June. Balasooriya L.H.S.U. & Krishantha B.R.G.A.
(for Materials and Structural Engineering), Chandrathilaka T.R.S.J. & Jayawickrama R.M.C.D. (for Water and Environmental Engineering), and Kowsikan K. & Jayalakshan S.
(Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering for) received the awards.
The departmental level evaluations of the final year (E17) research project
proposals were carried out on 27th June 2023 in the Department of Civil Engineering. The evaluations of 74 research proposals were conducted in several different venues by
eight panels, each comprising four academic staff members. The partial funding for final year projects is provided by Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka) PLC.
The Civil Engineering Society (CES) of the University of Peradeniya commemorated
its 50th anniversary with a grand ceremony on 17th June 2023 held at the Prof. E.O.E. Pereira Theatre of the Faculty of Engineering with a full-day programme comprising
invited speeches, recognition of student achievements, seismic resilient building design challenge and awards presentations.
Prof. M.D. Lamawansa, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya graced the event with his presence and delivered a speech highlighting the opportunities and
challenges for the engineering graduates and the industry. Dr U.I. Dissanayake, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Prof. J.J. Wijetunge, the Head of the Department
of Civil Engineering also addressed the gathering and Prof. K.K. Wijesundara, President of the society delivered the welcome speech. Prof. S.B.S. Abayakoon and Eng.
N. Abeysuriya delivered insightful keynote speeches in a session moderated by Prof. K.D.W. Nandalal.
Founded in 1973, Civil Engineering Society of the University of Peradeniya is one of the oldest and the largest societies in the university system in the country.
The main objective of the Civil Engineering society is to bring the staff, the students and the industry to a common platform, and to achieve that goal, the society organizes
various activities, for example, industry visits, talks series, seminars, design challenges, field visits, community service, social events, and many more. Further, having both
the academic staff and the students as members is one of the unique features of this society.
Prof. Nimal Seneviratne Awards for the Best Civil Engineering Undergraduate Projects in 2022 were also presented on this occasion, with financial assistance for the projects
provided by Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka) PLC.
Another highlight of the event was the participation of over 50 representatives of the Civil Engineering Societies of the University of Moratuwa, University of Ruhuna, South
Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and the Open University, who also took part in the inter-university earthquake resistant building model
design and testing challenge.
Photo credit: Engineering Students’ Publication Society, University of Peradeniya
Ms. S. Venuja, a Ph.D. candidate of DCE, won the Bronze medal (2nd runner-up)
in the prestigious “Three Minutes Thesis” (3MT) competition held on 20/06/2023, organized by the Young Scientists' Association of the National Institute of Fundamental Studies
(NIFS). The study is being carried out under a grant from AHEAD.
The 4th session of the Research for Industry (R4I) webinar series organized by the Department-Industry Interaction Cell (DIIC) in collaboration with the Research Promotion Committee was held on 15th June 2023, 3 - 4.15 pm.
The Paper titled “Advances in ground improvement using waste materials for transportation infrastructure” Authored by
Indraratna, B., Qi, Y., Tawk, M., Heitor, A., Rujikiatkamjorn, C., & Navaratnarajah, S. K. won the ‘Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya’ award for best two Overseas papers by
Institution of Civil Engineers, UK. The award will be presented at ICE Awards Ceremony in London.
The DCE is pleased to announce the volume 02 first issue of the "Insight" Research Magazine providing a glimpse of the department's wide array of high quality research by the academic staff and students. The e-magazine is available at:https://eng.pdn.ac.lk/civil/resources/insight.php
Applications are called for the post of Temporary Instructor in the Department of Civil Engineering. Please hand over the following documents to the Office of the Department of Civil Engineering on or before 9th March 2023.
1. Application form (Available in the office of the Department of Civil Engineering)As only a limited number of vacancies are available, those who have a GPA of 3.30 or above are encouraged to apply.
Shortlisted applicants will be called for interviews.
The interviews will be conducted on 10th March 2023 through Zoom.
The paper titled “Effective Supplementation of Biochar in Alkali-activated Slag Production” authored by Ms. Harshani Egodagmage (UoP-RMIT PhD student), Dr. Hiran Yapa, Dr. Samith Buddika, Dr. Kate Nguyen (RMIT), Dr. Sathees Kumar Navarathnam (RMIT) won the Professor S.R. De S. Chandrakeerthy Award for the “Best Paper” presented at the Annual Sessions-2022 of Society of Structural Engineers, Sri Lanka.
The formal presentation of the Gold Medal and certificates took place on 13th December 2022 at the Cimnnamon Grand Hotel, Colombo.
Please fill the Application form and upload the updated Curriculum Vitae, Grade Report and a photocopy of the National Identity Card on or before Friday, 23rd December 2022. Shortlisted applicants will be called for interviews.
The 3rd session of the Research for Industry (R4I) webinar series organized by the Department-Industry Interaction Cell (DIIC) in collaboration with the Research Promotion Committee was held on
30th November 2022, 3 - 4.15 pm.
The Department of Civil Engineering appreciates Tokyo Cement
Company (Lanka) PLC for continued financial assistance for Final Year Research Projects with an increased grant amount this year.
Eight academic staff members of DCE received ‘Faculty Research
Excellence Award'/ 'Certificates of Commendation for Research Excellence' at the Research Excellence Awards Ceremony for 2018, 2020 and 2022 held on 11th November at the EOE Pereira Theatre.
A paper titled "Comparative Study of the Wind Codes: An Application to Forty-Six Storied Wall-Frame Structure"
by Eng B Kiriparan, Eng (Dr) J A S C Jayasinghe, and Eng (Dr) U I Dissanayake received the IESL AWARD - 2022 for Best Paper by a Corporate Member - in the Journal "Engineer" during the session 2021/22.
It was awarded in the Inauguration Ceremony of the 116th Annual Sessions held on 14-10-2022.
The CE-Student Handbook was released on 27th September by the DCE. The handbook comprises comprehensive information regarding the CE degree programme, resources and opportunities offered through the department, and helpful information to students.
Prof. SB Weerakoon delivered a session on "Experience of Engagement in International Grants - Acquiring and Execution" on 23rd August 2022 to the Department staff via Zoom platform.
The session was organised by the Research Promotion and Collaboration Committee.
The DCE is pleased to announce the second issue of the "Insight" Research Magazine providing a glimpse of the department's wide array of high quality research by the academic staff and students. The e-magazine is available at:https://eng.pdn.ac.lk/civil/resources/insight.php
Many congratulations to Mr NWAR Yasintha (E/15/409) of the Department of Civil Engineering for winning the award and certificate under the Civil Engineering category of The Migara Rathnatunga Trust Awards for Industrial Training for university undergraduates -2020/21 from among all engineering faculties in the country. The award will be presented at the forthcoming IESL Induction Ceremony to be held at the BMICH. We also wish to congratulate Miss SRMAKD Rajapaksha (E/15/414) and Miss AAD Sandamali (E/15/322) of the department for receiving merit certificates in the civil engineering category.
A 4-Day Training Programme was conducted on finite element modelling of concrete gravity dams for 25 engineers of the Irrigation Department during 28th -31st March, 2022 in the CAD Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering. The programme comprised an overview of the theoretical aspects in the mornings and hands-on sessions in the afternoons and included structural as well as hydraulics and geotechnical aspects in the design of such dams. Dr Kushan Wijesundara, Dr Rasika Athapaththu and Dr Panduka Neluwala contributed as resource persons. The programme was coordinated by Dr Kushan Wijesundara together with Engineering Design Centre (EDC).
The Department-Industry Consultative Committee (DICC) meeting was held on 24th March 2022 from 2 pm to 5 pm on zoom with 25 leaders of the industry and senior engineers from both governmental and leading private sector organizations participating and providing their suggestions and feedback during the discussion session subsequent to the departmental presentations.
The DCE is pleased to announce the launch of the inaugural issue of the "Insight" Research Magazine providing a glimpse of the department's wide array of high quality research by the academic staff and students. The e-magazine is available at: https://eng.pdn.ac.lk/civil/resources/Research_Magazine/
Date - 23rd February 2022
Time - 11.00 am – 12.30 pm
Mode - Online
11.00 – 11.05 | Opening remarks by Head, Department of Civil Engineering |
11.05 – 11.50 | Presentation on ILO Writing & ILO-PO Mapping by Dr. Deepthi Udakara, QA Cell, Department of Civil Engineering |
11.50 – 12.30 | Discussion |
12.30 | End of the session |
A student interactive session with University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and University of Waterloo, Canada was held on 18th February 2022 via online with the primary objective of facilitating interactions between students from both schools and identifying mutual areas of research interest specially with respect to water sector. Five students from the department joined the event. Opening remarks for the event was delivered by International Student Office representatives from both universities following the student activities of introducing the participants and discussing their research interests. The Canadian participants were especially enthusiastic about the ancient water management system in Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan students were excited with their hands on experience in some water related issues in the world.
The DIIC was established on 1st Feb 2022 to strengthen the relationship between the Department of Civil Engineering and the Industry leading to a mutually beneficial partnership.
Research for Industry (R4I) webinar series was launched on 10th Feb 2022 with active participation of eminent industry personnel, engineers and researchers.
At the request of District Secretary - Polonnaruwa, a team of experts from the Department of Civil Engineering volunteered to look into reported structural problems in the first floor slab of Dimbulagala Bikkhu Hostel Complex, as part of Department's outreach to the society.
Please fill the Application form and upload the Curriculum Vitae, Grade Report and a photocopy of National Identity Card on or before Tuesday, 08th February 2022
Emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) from aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems inevitably has a major impact on global climate. Major efforts on monitoring and quantifying GHG fluxes are based on the measurements with eddy covariance and closed chamber techniques. The measured data are then used to calibrate the models that estimate global GHG budgets.
However, the measurements of GHG emissions are largely concentrated only in one part of the world, mostly in North America and Europe, whilst the low and middle-income countries in the Global South, including South-East Asia, remain largely underrepresented. Unfortunately, these countries have emerging environmental problems with increasing population and rapid changes in land-use patterns. Lack of funding for research, technical and technological incompetency, and political uncertainties are among the major factors leading to very limited measurements in these underrepresented countries. Consequently, the specific role of GHG emissions from these regions has been considerably downplayed in the global GHG budget.