Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Auto Titrator
Gas Chromatograph
High performance liquid chromatograph
Organic Elemental Analyzer
Total organic carbon analyzer
Analytical Balance
High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
Muffel furnace
Turbidity meter
The Environmental Engineering Laboratory has been fully furnished with the state-of-the-art analytical instruments that have the capacity to cater a wide spectrum of analytical service needs. Besides, we are equipped with most coveted technical and academic expertise related to the sphere of environmental engineering domain. This is the first national laboratory complex act as a nucleus in germinating research and development culture in Sri Lanka.
Drinking and wastewater quality testing
Waste landfill monitoring
Laboratory and pilot scale operationalization of wastewater treatment technologies
Whether data recording
Soil and bio-solid analysis
With the advent of this Environmental Engineering Laboratory which is affiliated to the top seated university of Sri Lanka, University of Peradeniya, it is opened an avenue not only to research personnel but also to the industry as an independent and high principled analytical service establishment.
Laboratory Telephone number: Mr. K.P.C.M. Wijewardhana - 081 239 3567