Submission guidelines:
Follow the submission guidelines to prepare your extended abstracts
♦ Page limit of extended abstract: Maximum 4 pages
♦ Font and font size: as specified in the template
♦ Key words: Up to 5
♦ Language: English
Submit your extended abstracts via the submission links provided in the web site
under “submission links” on or before the deadline specified under the ‘important dates’.
Upload your submission form to the same link under the “Supplementary
Materials”. No extended abstract will be accepted without the submission form.
All the submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed, and if accepted, the
corresponding authors will be notified by the due date, along with the extended
abstract and reviewers’ comments.
Submission of the Camera Ready Copy of the Extended Abstract
The extended abstract may require revision, where applicable, according to the
reviewers’ comments. The revised extended abstracts should be submitted on or before the deadline using the given template.’
No revised abstracts will be accepted after the deadline.
These extended abstracts will be published in the proceedings of the symposium.