Dr. P. Gamage
Senior Lecturer (Head of the Department)
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Office Address:Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering,Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. |
Email: pramilag@eng.pdn.ac.lk |
Telephone: 081-2393969 |
Dr Pramila Gamage is a product of Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya. Pramila graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Production Engineering in 2008 and was appointed as a temporary lecturer in 2008 (September) and subsequently as a lecturer (probationary) in June 2010. In January 2012 Pramila went on study leave to follow a PhD to specialise research on quality engineering. In January 2016 she earned her PhD from Massey University, New Zealand and returned to Sri Lanka (Faculty of Engineering) to continue her service as a lecturer. For the doctoral study Pramila developed a theoretical and practical framework to explain how Taguchi’s robust parameter design approach to quality improvement could be integrated in a Lean manufacturing environment. Pramila has a special interest on quality improvement using ‘statistical thinking’ (statically designed experiments and statistical process control are integral parts of statistical thinking). As industry projects, currently Dr Gamage is studying how quality and productivity of casting products and industrial gloves could be improved using statistical thinking.
PhD (Massey, New Zealand)
BSc Eng (Peradeniya)
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Statistical Process Control
Six Sigma
Lean Thinking
Premarathna, W.A.A.S., Jayasinghe, J.A.S.C., Senanayake, C.D., Wijesundara, K.K. and Gamage, P., 2022. Failure prediction of solid resilient tyres due to kerb impact: A finite element modelling approach. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 50(3), pp.625–637. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/jnsfsr.v50i3.10593
Premarathna, W. A. A. S., Jayasinghe, J. A. S. C., Gamage, P., Senanayake, C. D., Wijesundara, K. K., & Ranatunga, R. R. M. S. K. (2022). Analysis of factors influencing on performance of solid tires: Combined approach of Design of Experiments and thermo-mechanical numerical simulation. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 104680.
Kularathne, I. W., Gunathilaka, C. A., Rathnaweera, A. C., Kalpage, C. S., Rajapakse, S. & Gamage, P. (2021) Optimization of Fermentation Process Parameters for Bioethanol Production from Sri Lankan Overripe Fruits. Journal of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, vol. LIV (01), 77-86.
Premarathna, W. A. A. S., Jayasinghe, J. A. S. C., Wijesundara, K. K., Gamage, P., Ranatunga, R. R. M. S. K., & Senanayake, C. D. (2021). Investigation of design and performance improvements on solid resilient tires through numerical simulation. Engineering Failure Analysis, 128, 105618. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105618)
Gamage, P., Jayamaha, N. P., & Grigg, N. P. (2016). Acceptance of Taguchi's Quality Philosophy and Practice by Lean practitioners in apparel manufacturing. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-17. doi: 10.1080/14783363.2015.1135729.
Published Conference PapersMeragalge, M. L. R. & Gamage, P. (2021) Finite Element Simulation Model to Predict the Formability of AA 2014 T6 Aluminum Sheets at Elevated Temperature, 10th IEEE international conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Premarathna, W. A. A. S., Jayasinghe, J. A. S. C., Wijesundara, K. K., Gamage, P. & Ranatunga, R. R. M. S. K. (2020) High-Fidelity Finite Element Modelling and Simulation of Solid Resilient Tire: Application to Forklift Solid Resilient Tire. Paper was presented at the Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2010 IEEE International Conference, Singapore.
Meragalge, M. L., Gamage, P. & Nanayakkara, N. K. B. M. P. (2020) Enhancing the Formability Property of AA 2014 T6 Aluminium Sheet Materials to use in Automotive Body Parts Manufacturing Process. Paper will be presented at the National Engineering Research Symposium (NERS), December, 2020, Colombo.
Herath, H. M. D. B., Thalagala, S. & Gamage, P. (2019). Enhancing the Dimensional Accuracy of Components Fabricated Using Rapid Prototyping Technique by Optimizing Machine Parameters of a 3D Printer. Paper was presented at the Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2019 IEEE International Conference, Macau.
Meragalge, M. L., Gamage, P. & Nanayakkara, N. K. B. M. P. (2019) Full Factorial Design of Experiment Approach to Quantify the Effect of Forming Parameters on Wrinkling Effect of Deep Drawn Cylindrical Cups. Paper was presented at the Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2019 IEEE International Conference, Macau.
Perera, A., & Gamage. P. (2017). An Application of Fractional Factorial Method to Obtain Robust Solutions at a Glove Manufacturing Environment in Sri Lanka. Paper was presented at the Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2017 IEEE International Conference, Singapore.
Samaraweera, L., Thalagala, S., Gamage, P., & Nanayakkara, N. K. B. M. P. Optimization of Green Sand Casting Parameters Using Taguchi Method to Improve the Surface Quality of White Cast Iron Grinding Plates. Paper was presented at the Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2017 IEEE International Conference, Singapore.
Perera, A., & Gamage, P. (2017). Assessing the Performance of a Destructive Measurement System: A Case of an Industrial Glove Manufacturing Environment. Paper was presented at the IESL Annual Sessions 2017, Sri Lanka.
Perera, A., Gamage, P., & Kanagasingham, S. (2017). The correlation between area of latex penetration and abrasion resistance of industrial gloves. Paper was presented at the IPURSE Annual Sessions 2017, Sri Lanka.
Perera, A., & Gamage, P. (2017). Enhance the Abrasion Resistance Level of Industrial Gloves –An Application of Taguchi’s Robust Parameter Design Approach. Paper was presented at the IASSL International Conference 2017, Sri Lanka.
Thalagala, S., Gamage, P., Samaraweera, L., Nanayakkara, N. K. B. M. P. (2017). Improve the surface profile of white cast iron grinding plate by factorial design of experiment – A case study. Paper was presented at the IASSL International Conference 2017, Sri Lanka.
Wijerathna, W. H. A. C., Jayantha, I. D. M. H., & Gamage, P. (2016). Improve surface roughness in turning operation based on the factorial design methodology. Paper presented at the Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering Symposium (MIES), (pp. 1-6), Colombo, Sri Lanka. doi: 10.1109/MIES.2016.7779986.
Gamage, P., Jayamaha, N. P., Grigg, N. P., and Nanayakkara, N. K. B. M. P. (2014). Application of Taguchi’s Robust Parameter Design Approach to Optimise the Sewing Parameters to Minimise the Variability of Stitch Density. Paper presented at the International Statistics Conference 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Retrieved from https://louisville.edu/sphis/bb/iassl_proceedings.
Gamage, P., Jayamaha, N. P., Grigg, N. P., & Nanayakkara, N. K. B. M. P. (2014). Comparative analysis of Taguchi’s crossed array approach vs combined array approach to robust parameter design: A study based on apparel industry. Paper presented at the Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2014 IEEE International Conference, Malaysia.
Gamage, P., Jayamaha, N. P., Grigg, N. P., & Nanayakkara, N. K. B. M. P. (2014). Testing the theoretical relationship between Taguchi’s robust design philosophy and Lean to improve manufacturing performance through continual improvement-an empirical study involving a large apparel manufacturer. Paper presented at the 12th ANZAM 2014, Auckland, NZ [Best Paper Award].
Gamage, P., Jayamaha, N. P., Grigg, N. P., & Nanayakkara, N. K. B. M. P. (2013). Developing and testing a theoretical model integrating Taguchi’s quality philosophy in a Lean manufacturing context. Paper presented at the 11th ANZAM 2013, Brisbane, Australia.
Gamage P., Dharmapriya U.S.S, Kulatunga A.K., Pathirana S.D. Sandareka B.A.P.S., Wickramaarachchi W.L.I. and Mederigama M.R.N.N., Design and Development of Worker Performance Indices to Improve the Overall Productivity of a Plant, Proceedings: Annual Research Sessions 2008, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Dharmapriya U.S.S., Gamage P., Kulatunga A.K. and Siyambalapitiya S.B., Optimizing the Collection and Distribution Operations of a Tyre Re-manufacturing Plant, Proceedings: Annual Research Sessions 2008, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Poster with Refereed AbstractGamage, P., Jayamaha, N. P., Grigg, N. P. and Nanayakkara, N. K. B. M. P. (2014) Optimisation of Sewing Parameters to Minimise Variability of Stitch Density Using Taguchi’s Robust Design Approach. HETC Symposium, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Symposium presentation with Refereed AbstractGamage, P., Jayamaha, N. P., & Grigg, N. P. (2012). Integration of design of experiments within strong Lean manufacturing environment. Paper presented at the World Business Capability Congress, Auckland, NZ.