Department of Civil Engineering



Course Code:


Course Name:

Coastal Engineering and Coastal Zone Management

Credit Value:

2 (Notional hours:100)





Hourly Breakdown

Lecture hrs.

Tutorial hrs.

Assignments hrs.

Independent Learning & Assessment hrs.





Course Aim: To provide an in-depth analysis of coastal hydrodynamic and wave processes and to introduce application of engineering principles to solve problems in coastal environment giving due consideration to coastal zone management programme.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to;

➢    explain wave generation, propagation, forecasting, measurements and wave analysis.

➢    apply wave theories to analyze coastal hydrodynamics.

➢    describe port /harbor planning and construction aspects and design major structural components .

➢    apply physical and numerical modelling concepts in coastal engineering applications.

➢    describe and plan coastal zone management programme.

Course Content:

➢    Coastal environment: Coastal features, tides, wave generation by wind, wave propagation and forecasting, wave measurements, wave analysis

➢    Coastal and estuarine hydraulics and transport processes: Higher-order wave theories, estuarine environment, saltwater intrusion, nearshore currents and sediment transport

➢    Beach nourishment and land reclamation: Functional characteristics and applicability, equilibrium beach profiles, dredging and land reclamation

➢    Coastal and harbour structures: Port and harbor structures, hydraulic and structural responses

➢    Modelling of coastal and estuarine processes: Introduction to physical and numerical modeling, introduction to software applications in coastal simulations

➢    Coastal zone management in Sri Lanka: Environmental problems of Sri Lankan coast, coastal hazards, development of coastal zone management programme.

Teaching /Learning Methods:

Classroom lectures, tutorial discussions

Assessment Strategy:

Continuous Assessment


Final Assessment


Details: Assignments/Tutorials    10%

Quizzes     30%

Theory (%)


Practical (%)


Other (%)


Recommended Reading:

➢    Wijetunge, J.J. (2013). An Introduction to Coastal Engineering – Processes, Theory, Hazards and Design Practice, Colombo, S. Godage Publishers.

➢    Kamphuis, J.W. (2010). Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management, Singapore, World Scientific.

➢    Sorensen, R. (2005). Basic Coastal Hydraulics, Springer-Verlag, New York.

➢    Dean, R.G. and Dalrymple, R.A. (2004). Coastal Processes with Engineering Applications, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


Department of Civil Engineering