Department of Civil Engineering


7, 8

Course Code:


Course Name:

Research Project

Credit Value:

6 (Notional hours: 600)





Hourly Breakdown

Lecture hrs.

Assignment hrs.

Practical hrs.

Independent Learning & Assessment hrs.





Course Aim: To introduce systematic and ethical conduct of a research problem.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to;

➢    demonstrate research gaps and state-of-the art in the research problem through a thorough literature review.

➢    formulate a research methodology to achieve the target objectives under the specified scope.

➢    execute the research methodology and draw logical conclusions through critical analysis

➢    demonstrate research outcomes through formal reports, oral presentations, poster presentation and extended abstract.

Course Content: (Only main topics & subtopics)

➢    Problem identification: Background of the research; Literature survey and review; Formulate the aim of the research and identify the research objectives and the scope

➢    Detailed project formulation: Continuation of literature survey and review; Formulate the research methodology to achieve the objectives and thus the aim of the research; Technical feasibility, safety and ethical considerations.

➢    Research Proposal: Technical report writing; Prepare a work schedule, identify resource requirements and prepare a financial budget; Oral presentation to the panel.

➢    Conduct of research: Design of experimental rigs and/or development of analysis programs; Execution of investigations, analysis of results, drawing logical conclusions.

➢    Presentation of research outcomes: oral presentations, preparation of formal reports, posters, and technical papers.

Teaching /Learning Methods:

Problem based learning, literature survey, classroom lectures, self-studies, oral presentations

Assessment Strategy:

Continuous Assessment


Final Assessment


Continuous Assessment

•  Progress presentations       20%

•  Progress (assessed by supervisor)     20%

Oral Presentations

•  Presentation of research proposal to supervisory panel     05%

•  Presentation of research proposal to departmental panel     05%

•  Presentation of research project to supervisory panel     05%

•  Poster presentation (departmental panel)     05%


•    Project proposal       15%

•    Final report       20%

•    Extended abstract      05%

Theory (%)


Practical (%)


Other (%) (specify)


Recommended Reading:

➢    Ying, L.W., Ho, L., Tzu, M.N.E. (2009). Research writing: A workbook for graduate students,

Prentice Hall, Singapore.

➢    Lebrun, J.L. (2007). Scientific writing: A reader and writers guide, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.

➢    Weissberg, R., Buker, S. (1990). Writing up research: Experimental research report writing for students of English, Prentice Hall, USA.


Department of Civil Engineering