Department of Civil Engineering

Engineering Management - MA201

Credits : 3

Prerequisites : -

Compulsory/Optional : Compulsory

To introduce managerial aspects needed by engineering graduates to perform a multitasking role of an/a Engineer/General Manager in the industry, with the basic understanding of legal, economical, financial, social, environmental and ethical aspects in performing the managerial role of an organization and to facilitate the undergraduates with current practicing tools for the task of management.
Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to;

  1. Plan and organize a team for an engineering project: divide multitasking roles among members of the team.
  2. Identify and present a general and a risk management approach for managing the selected engineering project as a team.
  3. Identify and function as different task managers in the project team on legal, human resource, financial and economic considerations and produce one’s own description of work involvement.
  4. Produce outcomes of NPV, critical path, financial statement, Gantt chart for the selected engineering project as a team.
  5. Produce an ethical framework for the selected engineering project as a team.
  6. Present the team activity related to the engineering project orally and in writing; Report.
Course content/Course description
  1. Multitasking role of an engineering manager: Basic managerial functions; different aspects of managerial role; connectivity of managerial functions and aspects
  2. Introduction to management approaches: Pre-classical contribution; classical, behavioral and contemporary approaches; current practices and future trends
  3. Organizational aspects: An organization, structure, culture and systems; vision, mission and values; the supply chain
  4. Legal aspects of management and commercial law: Introduction to business law; environmental law; occupational health and safety
  5. Social aspects of management:Human resource management; industrial psychology; customer satisfaction and industrial relations
  6. Economic aspects of management: Introduction to micro and macro economics; basic concepts of economics: demand and supply, labour market, product market; Economic analysis of products and projects: NPV, IRR
  7. Financial aspects of management: Introduction to principles of corporate finance; cash management, raising capital; financial statements and accounting
  8. Principles of project management: Project planning and scheduling: critical path analysis, network crashing, Gantt chart and resource allocation and cash flow analysis; monitoring and controlling project costs, quality and time
  9. Ethical aspects and professional responsibility
  10. Group projects and assignments
Recommended Texts
  1. Hicks, P E 1994, Industrial engineering and management: a new perspective. 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
  2. Maylor, H 2010, Project Management. 4th edn, Pearson.
  3. DeCenzo, DA & Robbins SP 2009, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. 10th edn, Wiley
Time Allocation Hours
Lectures 36
Tutorials 04
Practical -
Assignments 10
Assessment Percentage Marks
(Assignments 10% + Group Project 20%) 30
Mid Semester Examination 20
End-semester 50

Department of Civil Engineering