Department of Civil Engineering

Building Construction - CE209

Credits : 3

Prerequisites : -

Compulsory/Optional : Compulsory

To introduce the students to the terminology, basic principles of building construction, other civil engineering constructions and to develop the skills of the students in planning a complete building construction project including architectural planning, selection of materials and methods, planning building services, preparation of bill of quantities, etc. as applied to a real-life 2 storied dwelling unit.
Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to;

  1. Describe different stages of a civil engineering project, organizational structures and the roles of professionals involved.
  2. Explain functional and aesthetic requirements, building regulations and space utilization of a residential building.
  3. Compare alternative construction materials and techniques for different building elements and make appropriate selections.
  4. Plan building services such as water supply, sewerage, ventilation, lighting, thermal comfort and acoustics for a residential building.
  5. Prepare Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and estimates using Building Schedule of Rates (BSR) as per Standard Method of Measurement (SMM).
  6. Carry out a complete building planning exercise independently including architectural drawings, building services plans, building schedules, bill of quantities and a planning report.
Course content/Course description
  1. Features of building construction projects: Stages of a building project – from conceptual to maintenance; roles of client, architect, consulting engineer, quantity surveyor, contractor and their inter-relations; introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM), organizational structures at construction site and design office, Sri Lankan construction industry
  2. Building planning and principles of architecture: Conceptual and architectural plan, matching architectural styles; design brief, Functional and aesthetic requirements – activity spaces, bubble diagram, anthropometrics and ergonomics, space usage, accessibility, circulation and movement, building regulations, sustainability concepts, lighting and ventilation, thermal comfort, acoustics, optimizing a building plan for space; building specifications and drawings
  3. Construction materials and techniques: Materials and techniques by building element type – foundations, superstructure, floor, walls, doors and windows, facades, roof, and rain water disposal system, ceiling; relative costs, advantages and disadvantages of alternative materials and methods
  4. Building services: Water supply – estimating demand, water from public supply, pumping from well, overhead tanks, plumbing and fittings; Waste water and sewerage – discharge to public sewers, other feasible disposal methods for Sri Lanka (septic tanks, soakage pits), municipal regulations, plumbing, Other building services – electrical wiring and fittings, service lines for telephone, television etc., air conditioning and heating, gas, fire protection, noise insulation, security alarm systems, Building maintenance –provision for routine maintenance during design stage, maintenance schedules
  5. Estimation and quantity surveying: Introduction to SMM, quantity take off, preparing a BOQ , work norms, BSR
  6. Introduction to other civil engineering projects: hydropower projects, road projects etc.
  7. Group project: Planning a dwelling unit which will include the preparation of architectural drawings, detailed drawings on water supply and sewerage, detailed drawings on electrical wiring and installations, detailed BOQ inclusive of water supply and sewerage and electrical installations, necessary schedules to make the pricing, procuring of materials and construction easier, final estimate for the residential facility. The report should explain and provide details such as access to the building, the internal circulation plan, lighting, ventilation, thermal comfort, landscaping around the building and reasons for the selection of suggested material/ finishes/ fittings etc.
Recommended Texts
  1. Chudley, R. and Greeno R 2012, Building Construction Handbook, 10th edn, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York.
  2. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 1988, Standard Method of Measurement SMM7, 7th edn.
Time Allocation Hours
Lectures 38
Tutorials 1
Practical 12
Assignments -
Assessment Percentage Marks
Assignments/Quizzes/Group Project 20
Mid Semester Examination 30
End-semester 50

Department of Civil Engineering