Prof. K. Perera
Senior Lecturer |
Address: |
of Engineering Mathematics,
University of Peradeniya,
Sri Lanka. |
Email: | |
Telephone: |
+94 081-239 3346 |
Website: |
Biography : |
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Qualifications : |
PhD : Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
State University of New York
Albany, New York, USA, Mathematical Statistics (1993)
MSc : Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
State University of New York
Albany, New York,
USA, Mathematical Statistics (1988)
BSc :
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Sri Jayawardenapura,
Sri Lanka, Mathematics Special (1982)
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Experience : |
1994 November – Hither to Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Senior Lecturer in Engineering Mathematics
Participant, Workshop on Teaching Methods, Education Unit, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. (1995)
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Peradeniya. (1997)
Faculty Nominee to the Arts Council. (1997)
Acting Head of the Department of Engineering Mathematics. (October-November, 1999)
Member, Faculty Curriculum Revision Committee. (1999)
Department representative for the Quality Assurance cell in the University..
Head of the Department of Engineering Mathematics (From August 2001- October 2004)
Member, Board of Study in Statistics and Computer Science, Postgraduate Institute of Science. (2002 January to date)
Member, Panel of Teachers/Examiners of the Postgraduate Institute of Science. (2002 January to date)
Served as a Resource Person," Short course buffet on Computer Applications and Statistics", Postgraduate Institute of Science.(2002)
Member of the local organizing committee for the International Sri Lankan Statistical Conference. (2004)
Member, Faculty Course unit Committee (2004)
Coordinator , Postgraduate Program in Applied Statistics, Post Graduate Institute of Science ( May 2008 to date)
Senior Student Counselor (2010)
Visiting Lecturer Faculty of Applied Sciences, Rajarata University (2010)
Member of the local organizing committee for the International Sri Lankan Statistical Conference. (2011)
Resource Person : |
Conducted, Workshop on SAS software for Departmental Teaching Assistants, (1997). Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Peradeniya
Conducted, lectures for the Postgraduate Programme in Industrial Mathematics. (2006)( Postgraduate Institute of Science)
Conducted, lectures for the Postgraduate Programme in Disaster Management. (2006, 2010) (Postgraduate Institute of Science and Department of Civil Engineering)
Conducted, lectures for the Postgraduate Programme in Manufacturing Engineering. (2002) ( Department of Production Engineering)
Conducted lectures for the Postgraduate Programme in Engineering Management. (2002) (Department of Production Engineering)
Conducted lectures for the Postgraduate Programme in Mechanical Engineering. (2002) (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Conducted lectures for the Postgraduate Programme in Applied Statistics. (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) (Postgraduate Institute of Science)
Conducted lectures for the Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Mathematics.(1995, 1996) (Department of Engineering Mathematics)
Conducted lectures for the Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics, University of Sri Jayawadenapura. (1993) ( Department of Mathematics and Statistics)
Post Graduate Supervision (Completed) : |
Vectors and Transmission of Malaria in a canal and Traditional Natural Stream Irrigated Areas in Sri Lanka , M.Sc. in Applied Statistics, P.H.C.A. Jayasooriya,(2007) (With A.M.G.M. Yapabandara, Anti Malaria Campaign Matale)
Prediction of Dengu Transmission and Identification of Factors Responsible for Breeding of Vectors in Dengu Risk Areas of Matale Distritc. , M.Sc. in Applied Statistics, S Vikunthan, (2007) (With A.M.G.M. Yapabandara, Anti Malaria Campaign Matale)
Study of Modeling Approach for Estimation of Global Solar Radiation for Sri Lanka. M.Sc. in Applied Statistics, K.Manimaparan, (2007)
(With K.S. Walgama, Dept. of Engineering Mathematics)
Time Series Regression modeling of Economic development and Carbon Dioxide Emissions, M.Sc. in Applied Statistics , Nadarajah Tharshannan (2007) (With R. Shanthini. Dept of Chemical and Process Engineering)
Predicting Optimum levels of Control Factors in Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Project Financing using Robust Design, M.Sc. in Engineering Management, Harsha Jayathilake(2006).
A statistical model for the Stream Flow Prediction in the Upper Kotmale catchment in Sri Lanka, M.Sc. in Applied Statistics, Chalani Prematilake (2005),
(With S.B. Weerakoon, Dept. of Civil Engineering)
Statistical Verification and further improvement of the models for Carbon Dioxide emissions, M.Sc. in Applied Statistics, Ruvini Ekanayake (2005) (With R. Shanthini, Dept of Chemical and Process Engineering)
The Dissertation Modeling the Paddy Production in Sri Lanka, Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Mathematics-B. Yogarajah (1997) (With P. Wijekoon, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics)
<TOP> |
(Selected) : |
Senior Lecturer, Department of Engineering
Mathematics, University of Peradeniya (1994 November – Hitherto)
Head of the Department of Engineering Mathematics (From August 2001- October
Member, Faculty Course unit Committee (2004)
Acting Head of the Department of Engineering Mathematics. (October-November,
Member, Faculty Curriculum Revision Committee. (1999)
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University
of Peradeniya. (1997)
Faculty Nominee to the Arts Council. (1997)
Participant, Workshop on Teaching Methods, Education
Unit, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya.
Department representative for the Quality Assurance
cell in the University.
Committee member, Faculty of Engineering Teachers
Association. (2007)
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenapura
(1993 August – 1994 October)
Assistant Lecturer, Department
of Mathematics and Statistics University of Sri Jayewardenapura
(1982 September – 1986 July)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, State University
of New York at Albany, U.S.A. (1986 August – 1993 July )
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Members & Awards
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Papers : |
Intersests : |
- Estimation
- Regression Analysis
- Probability