The scope of the department is to provide the students with a very good exposure to
the fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering. The students enjoy their engineering studies
by involving in the experiments and projects carried out in the laboratories under the
supervision of a very supportive staff. The resources of the department consist of,
Dynamic Systems Lab
Applied mechanics laboratory possess a diverse and unique collection of experimental
and demonstration equipment, most of which are fabricated in the Faculty itself.
They have been purposely designed to make the students clearly understand fundamentals
and appreciate mechanical engineering practises.
The laboratory conducts practical classes and experimental research in the fields
of vibration , lubrication and mechanical systems. The excellent collection of
cutaway models and panel displays of engineering interests combined with experienced
staff, makes the laboratory a treasure-trove of knowledge for learning mechanical
The main equipments housed in this lab are,
- Laboratory apparatus for, 2 DoF coupled vibration, Torsional vibration, Whirling of shafts, Structural vibration,
Multirotor systems, Static and dynamic balancing
- Universal vibration apparatus
- Vibration Analyzers
- Erbesso- 02 line
- Data physics- 08 line
- Laboratory apparatus for, Oil damping testing, Belt friction measurements,
Cone friction measurements, Spring calibration.
- Flywheel apparatus, COmpound pendulum, Linkage mechanisms, gyroscopes
- Gauss Meter - For measuring of Magnetic Field
- Journal Friction Apparatus- For Calculating of poise for viscosity measurements
- Spring Tension measuring devise for helical spring
- Wear testing machine for measuring of wear in any material with hot and cold conditions & various loads especially
for brake pads in automobiles
- Balancing Machine for balancing of rotors, impellers, disks
Prof. S. Mahalingam Technology Center
Coming soon ...
Elementry Thermodynamics Lab
This lab is dedicated for conducting laboratory experiments on fundamentals of thermodynamics and related areas.
Accordingly laboratory experiments for all first year undergraduates, the second year undergraduates except for the
student who are specilizing in computer engineering are conducted in this lab. The main equipment housed in this laboratory are :
- Viscometers: Redwood viscometers (LT/RV - 12200); Rheo Sense micro VISC
- Calorimeters: Bomb calorimeters; Junkers gas calorimeter
- Marcet boiler
- Pressure gauge claubration apperatus
- Infrared Thermomenters
- Thermal image camera (Fluke)
- energy analyzer (Fluke)
- Sounds tester (KIMO)
- Exhaust gas analyzer (Quintox)
Computation & Simulation Lab
The computational and simulation laboratory focuses on providing the modern computer-based
engineering resources for the students, to use them effectively and efficiently in their
academic curriculum. The laboratory is located at the Heat Engines Laboratory and utilizes
hardware resources in the drawing office, Computer Centre as well. The laboratory is equipped
with engineering software packages such as Autodesk AutoCAD, DSS SOLIDWORKS, ANSYS, MATLAB,
COMSOL Multi-physics and a variety of open-source design and simulation software, to be used
in their projects and other curricular requirements.
Currently students involve in computer-based engineering methodologies like Finite Element
Analysis, Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacturing and Computational Fluid
Dynamics, Multi-physics modelling. The facility is thoroughly beneficial to engineering
students due to the availability of expert help and advice and the possession of powerful
workstations with excellent collection of engineering software packages.
Steam Engineering Center
The Thermodynamic Laboratory is consisting of steam area, which posses all the necessary
facilities for the studies, experiments and demonstrations in steam engineering.
- Boiler 500kg ( Frob Marhall)
- Boiler (Jonsone)
- Steam Engine
- Steam Turbine
- Separating & Throttling Calorimeter
- etc.
Steam area is also equipped with the Steam Engineering Center.
This is a unit operated under Engineering Design Center, Peradeniya in
collaboration with Forbes Marshall (Pvt.) Ltd. Pune, India.
Automobile Engineering Lab
The laboratory is equipped with most of the necessary test rigs and the display units
related to Automobile Engineering. Engineering undergraduate students get involved in
automobile related laboratory experiments in this section during their course of study.
Below are some of the facilities that the department has for the Automobile
Engineering section.
- Sectioned Diesel Engine
- Computerized Variable Compression Ratio Multifuel Engine
- Sectioned Engine and Chassis
- Nissan Dutsan Engine and Test Rig
- Morris Engine and Test Rig
- Morse test appatatus
- Sectioned Automobile Components
- etc..
Main equipment housed in this lab are:
- Refrigeration and air conditioning training kit
- Vapour compression refrigeration apparatus
- Electrolux refrigeration apparatus
- Water to water heat exchanger apparatus
- Air compressor testing apparatus
Energy System Lab
Mechanical Engineering Seminar Room
The airconditioned seminar room is equipped with full multimedia facilities and can accommodate about 70 people
Mechatronics & Control Lab
Modern industrial complexes have rapidly moved from pure mechanical and its related
controlling methods to fully automated computerized electromechanical controlling systems.
To fulfil this requirement of engineering knowledge, mechatronics section was established.
Currently the mechatronics section produces graduates with sound knowledge and understanding
on mechatronics systems with the use of instruments as programmable logic controllers (PLC),
micro electromechanical systems (MEMS), vision based controlling systems and microcontroller
and microprocessor based systems as Arduino and Raspberry pi.
The mechatronics section is also completed with pneumatic training devices to maintain
industry related knowledge among student community. This facility combined with aforesaid
instrumentation have made an ideal environment for students to work on their projects
gaining unmatched knowledge and experience. Also with the help of experienced academic
staff and state of the art equipment the Department of Mechanical Engineering wishes to
explore new frontiers in technology and product development using mechatronics.
The main equipments housed in this lab are,
- Festo Electro Pneumatic trainer kit
- SIEMENS STEP 7 SCADA development platform
- Embedded system development kits
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
- Arduino Uno & Mega 2560
- L298 Dual motor controller module
- Integrated system development kits
- QBot2 (QUARC - Quanser
- Linear & Rotary Inverted Pendulum
UAV Research Center
Product Development & Prototyping Lab
Product Development & Prototyping Laboratory serves as a fabrication facility for student projects,
innovative product development, research and regular maintenance work. The lab consists of machinery
for both additive and substantive manufacturing. The main machines housed in this lab include,
- 3-axix CNC milling machine

- Lathe machines

- A 3D printer

- A 3D scanner

- Drill Presses
- Welding machines
The newly refurbished Drawing Office could comfortably accommodate 180 students
per session. The facility is endowed with all necessary equipment to carry out
engineering drawing and machine design classes for undergraduates. The computer
section of the facility possess 100 computers enabling students in computer aided
design methods using software packages like Autodesk AutoCAD, DSS SOLIDWORKS and ANSYS.
Being one of the largest halls in the Faculty this is frequently adopted as an
examination hall.