Mechanical Engineering Society (MES)

Welcome to the Mechanical Engineering Society !

Mechanical Engineering Society (MES) has been established with the broad objectives of:

MES focuses on organizing seminars and lectures on selected topics, talks on industrial problems by members and outsiders, undertaking and involving in projects which are of current interest and organizing industry visits, workshops and get togethers.

Mechanical Engineering Society Office Bearers of the Term 2021-2022

Position Name Email
Senior President Prof. Asanga Rathnaweera (Head of the department)
Senior Treasurer Dr. Ubaya Higgoda
President T. C. Wasalaarachchi
Vice President K. K. Wagachchi kesharakw@gmail.comm
Secretary U.D.S.N.Ukwaththa
Junior Treasurer S. K. Abeyweera
Editor R.H.P.M Rajapaksha
Committee Member U. C. Gunasekara
Committee Member A. A. M. K. Wijerathne
Committee Member K. D. Darshan
Committee Member G.G.A.D.Madusankha
Committee Member D.C. Gurusinghe
Committee Member T.W. Arunalu Hasakelum

Some of the events organised by MES

Path to Awareness: Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate

A Talk on "Path to awareness: Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate" organised by the Mechanical Engineering Society of University of Peradeniya with a focus on "How to Choose Your Major" was delivered by Eng. Navod Thyashan. (26/12/2021)

Professional Development Webinar

A Talk on "How to Utilise Industrial Training Opportunity to be a Professional which Industry Demands" was delivered by Mr. Asanka Palamakumbura (20 Dec 2021)

English Language Development Webinar Series

The English Language Development webinar series was initiated to improve the English language communication skills among students. (18/10/2021)

E18 Welcome

The freshers from the E18 were warmly welcomed to the Mechanical Engineering Department on 02nd of July 2021 at the auditorium of the new department building. (02/07/2021)

Lean Management White Belt Course

The Lean Management White belt course, In collaboration with Lean and Green Solutions. The session was conducted by Eng. Kokila Arandara (4/01/2021 to 6/01/2021)

The Webinar on "Introduction to TPM"

The speech delivered by an Industry Expert, Mr. Thilak Pushpakumara (Lean Certified, University of Michigan, USA, JIPM accredited, TPM Instructor, TQM trained in Japan, Certified Change Facilitator USA) (26/10/2020)

E16 Welcome

The freshers from the E16 were warmly welcomed to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on the 25th of June 2019. The event was held at the auditorium of the newly constructed department building. (25/06/2019)

"Technology: Applications in the field of Aero Engines"

A talk on technological applications in the field of aircraft engines was conducted by Dr. Keerthi Devendra was held at the mechanical engineering seminar room.

"Online Education in Global Perspective"

A talk on Online Education in Global perspective was organized for the members of the mechanical engineering department.

E13 Field Visit

The field visit of the E13 mechanical engineering students to the Randenigala and Rantambe power stations.

NEXUS Event Launch

The launching of NEXUS and initiating of formula car design competition.