Equip the student with a broad background for a career in Mechanical Engineering
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Department Overview

To equip the student with a broad background for a career in Mechanical Engineering, courses are provided in design, research and development, and maintenance and servicing relating to a wide variety of industries concerned with the generation, conversion, control and utilisation of power, the construction of mechanical devices, machines, mechanisms, instruments and electro-mechanical and thermo-fluids equipment. Graduates in mechanical engineering generally go into manufacturing, generation and transmission of power, transportation, refrigeration and air-conditioning, design, development and maintenance of machinery. In order to achieve the competence necessary to undertake such tasks, courses are provided in the basic disciplines of this field. The theory taught to the students is backed by practical work in the laboratories and by exercises in design.

Our Mission

The 4-year BScEng degree programme has course content and standards commensurate with other 4-year degree programs in leading international universities.

"The mission of the Faculty is to acquire, promote and disseminate knowledge of engineering sciences and their application to improve the quality of life and, in particular, to equip present and future generations of men and women with skills and attitudes to attain competence as professional engineers, and to interact with industry by providing expertise and specialized facilities".

The course in mechanical engineering is designed to equip the student with a sound understanding of the mechanical engineering sciences, with emphasis on a good grasp of the basic principles of design and analysis and to ensure that the student could handle software-based applications intelligently and effectively. A good grasp of civil and electrical engineering theory and practice is also considered essential. A great amount of emphasis is also laid on the six months' mandatory industrial training.

The B.Sc.(Eng) graduate specializing in mechanical engineering is thus expected to,

  • Have a sound understanding of theory, laboratory practice and design and be able to apply this knowledge to the practice of engineering
  • Be capable of carrying out tasks as an individual and as a member of a team
  • Be able to effectively communicate technical information orally, in the form of drawings, reports etc. using modern audio-visual media
  • Be aware of the meaning and value of his/her work to the client as well as the society as a whole, and alive to the various aspects of engineering practice in Sri Lanka and elsewhere
  • Be flexible in approach and able to interact with engineers in other branches of engineering in dealing with problems and
  • Acquire an ethical and technically sound professional attitude

Meet the Head

Message from Head of the Department ,

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

Being one of the three founding departments, the department of Mechanical Engineering has been playing a pivotal role in engineering education at the Faculty of Engineering since its inception in 1950.

The department offers our undergraduates a Washington Accord Accredited specialization programme in Mechanical Engineering leading to the degree, bachelor of the Science of Engineering.

We provide our undergraduates with an exceptional learning experience, by maintaining the right balance between fundamentals and applications, through classroom activities blended with laboratory exercises, design classes, problem based learning activities and projects. The academic activities of the department are well supported by our dedicated faculty and staff. With the most recent curriculum revision, we have introduced several subspecialisations into our programme, making our progamme more flexible and giving the students with an opportunity for in-depth study in a related area.

The department offers several postgraduate programmes leading to postgraduate Diploma, Master of the Science of Engineering, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy. The postgraduate programmes help our graduate students to advance their knowledge through rigorous academic activities that combine specialized coursework with innovative research.

In addition to teaching, our faculty are actively engaged in innovative research in many areas that include renewable energy, robotics and mechatronics, refrigeration and air-conditioning, fuel technology, automobile engineering and machine tool technology. Most of these scholarly pursuits are aimed at developing technological solutions to societal needs.

I invite you to visit this website to learn more about our department, staff and academic and related activities. I hope the visitor will inspire this website.

Asanga Ratnaweera, BScEng Peradeniya, PhD Melbourne

Head/Mechanical Engineering

Department History

The Ceylon Technical College has played an important role in engineering education in Sri Lanka. In the late 1930s the courses at the Ceylon Technical College were only up to the University of London 's Intermediate Examination in Engineering, the equivalent of the present Qualifying Course in Engineering and the Associate Membership Examinations of the three major professional Institutions namely Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in London. The degree courses were conducted by the three Engineering Departments Civil, Electrical and Mechanical.

A University Council resolution in 1945 to establish a Faculty of Engineering in Peradeniya by 1948, which was also the date set for the transfer of the Faculty of Science to Peradeniya, further delays in both the acquisition of land and the construction of buildings. It was subsequently decided in 1947 to establish the Faculty in temporary buildings in Peradeniya in 1950, and the date was again put off to 1952, when the Faculty of Engineering was set up in Colombo.

The field of Mechanical Engineering was introduced as one of the major fields alongside Civil and Electrical Engineering in Sri Lanka and Faculty of Engineering established in Colombo had a Department of Mechanical Engineering forms' its out set.

Under the original set of regulations the first year course was provided by the Faculty of Science. The first of two parts of the remaining three years at the Faculty of Engineering was common to all disciplines. In Part II the students followed the following subjects,

  • Mechanics of Machines
  • Applied Thermodynamics
  • Mechanics of Fluids
  • Strength & Principle of Materials
  • Engineering Mathematics

A major revision took place in 1969 with all four years of the course conducted in the Faculty of Engineering and examination at the end of each year. The first and second years were essentially the same for all disciplines with specializations mostly in the 3rd and 4th years. The course content was always in step with that in leading international universities. The changes also allowed a little room for specialization by way of a few elective subjects.

The BScEng degree from the University of Peradeniya (then University of Ceylon) was accredited by the Institutions of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), London in 1966 but for various reasons the accreditation lapsed and the degree has since been accredited again by IMechE in 2004.

At the commencement of its first academic year on July 1950 the total strength of the teaching staff of Faculty was 12 and 2 of them for Mechanical Engineering. In 1964 Dr. J.C.V Chinnappa, who was the Acting Head of the Department, became the first Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Since then the Department has had major advances. In 1970 the Department had its academic staff …, including Professor S. Mahalingam also was made Professor following the award of a DSc by the University of London. The first ever honors of that kind in Engineering. The staff situation in the Faculty as well as the Department in particular weakened in the 1980s and reached its lowest level in the mid 1990s. The situation has since improved very much with 15 on the academic staff at the point.

Former Heads of the Department

  • Prof. J.C.V. Chinnappa
  • Prof. C.L.V. Jayathilake
  • Mr. S.K. Seneviratne
  • Dr. M.B. Kahawatte
  • Dr. K.E.D. Sumanasiri
  • Prof. S. Sivasegaram
  • Dr. E.M.P.B. Boyagoda
  • Prof. Leelananda Rajapaksha
  • Dr. S.D.G.S.P. Gunawardane

Emeritus Professors of the Department

  • Prof. S. Mahalingam
  • Prof. C.L.V. Jayathilake

Industry Consultative Committee


Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

University of Peradeniya


Sri Lanka

Email: headmech@pdn.ac.lk

Tel: +94812393600

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